Women’s narratives: Eleonora Daniele tells her story in the March Freccia

On the cover, the presenter recalls her youth together with her brother Luigi, who has autism. The wealth of women’s stories renders the entire month “International Women’s Day”

Travel between the Roman Castles, the Valle del Nera and the Sella Massif. Visit Bologna for the exhibition dedicated to Pier Paolo Pasolini 100 years after his birth

Rome, 1 March 2022

A Freccia rich in women’s stories so that all of March can be “International Women’s Day”. The cover of this month’s issue of FS Italiane magazine features journalist and presenter Eleonora Daniele. Able to bring powerful life stories to the small screen, this time she takes a trip down memory lane with memories of her own youth spent with her brother Luigi, who has autism, and her actual commitment to the issue.

There are many other female-focused stories to which the Freccia devotes continuous attention, not only in March. This issue features the “Cynical Beautician” Cristina Fogazzi, who has revolutionised the world of beauty by achieving a turnover of 62 million euro. Then there is actress Donatella Finocchiaro, star of the show Il Filo di Mezzogiorno, along with the brilliant performer Lucia Ocone, in the currently-streaming films I Cassamortari and The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, plus Veronica Lucchesi from the queer pop band La Rappresentante di Lista, which ranked 7th at the 72nd Sanremo Italian Song Festival with the hit Ciao Ciao, which has already become a gold record and a summer hit.

Women are also the protagonists of various cultural events. Not to be missed is the exhibition at MAXXI in Rome that traces the role of female architects throughout history, from 1890 to the present day, from the first graduate Signe Hornborg to the Pritzker Prize winner Zaha Hadid. From the capital we head to Milan, where the Palazzo Reale exhibits over 100 masterpieces by Titian, Giorgione, Veronese and Tintoretto representing the female figure in 16th-century Venice.

March is also about stepping back outdoors and travelling. Without fail, La Freccia suggests itineraries to travel around Italy on a discovery of beautiful places to see and know. Head by train to the Roman Castles, from Frascati to Castel Gandolfo and Albano Laziale amidst pontifical villas, rolling hills and lacustrine landscapes. Pass through Umbria in the valley lined by the river Nera, amongst ancient fortress towns, spectacular gorges and excellent local products. Lovers of the snow should not miss the in-depth look at the Four Passes Ski Tour (also known as the Sellaronda Ski Tour), travelling around the Sella massif, between Trentino, South Tyrol and Veneto, discovering the world’s most famous itinerary on skis. The most fearless can delve into the depths of Italy’s historic wells, masterpieces of hydraulic engineering and guardians of legends hidden beneath our feet.

Last but not least, La Freccia recommends a visit to Bologna for Folgorazioni Figurative, the exhibition dedicated to Pier Paolo Pasolini on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. An account in pictures of the life and works of one of Italy’s greatest intellectuals of the 20th century.

The March Freccia can be browsed and read in digital format, on FSnews, and on paper on Trenitalia’s Frecce, in the FRECCIALounge and FRECCIAClub, each copy cellophaned and personal, for readers to pick up and take away. The contents of FS Italiane’s monthly publication can also be read on the FSNews Telegram channel and the @fsnews_it and @LaFreccia_Mag Twitter profiles.