Placement profiles

Discover the different figures we are looking for in the FS Group.

Photo: Maintenance Expert for Railway Infrastructure

The driver is responsible for driving trains with daily use of innovative, high-tech equipment.

The driver is primarily responsible for the transport of people and/or goods, ensuring a safe, punctual and comfortable service in full compliance with rules and procedures. In addition, they are personally responsible for control of the train and related pre-departure checks and for monitoring the vehicle's condition during the journey, promptly reporting any issues and intervening to resolve them according to safety procedures.

The driver is always on the move and constantly liaises with the train manager and the Operations Centre to coordinate actions including in critical circumstances.

Working hours are organised according to planned and flexible shifts (including night shifts) and some weekends and holidays.

The train manager is the company’s public face with respect to passengers and delivers the quality of services on board the train for the best travel experience for our customers. Being a train manager means being the reference person for travellers off and on board the train.

The train manager welcomes, guides and informs customers by giving clear, transparent and professional directions, even in stressful situations. They listen actively and empathetically to the customers, anticipate and intercept their needs and take action to resolve any issues arising.

In compliance with operating safety standards and timetables, the train manager supervises the regularity of train circulation and checks passengers' tickets, putting them in order if necessary.

In particular situations, the train manager provides support to the driver in the cabin by monitoring and intervening in shunting and switching operations.

The role of train manager requires energy and determination, to undertake an exciting job carried out in shifts related to train operations with method and flexibility.

It guarantees the quality of our services on the ground, to offer customers an excellent experience at the station.

The Customer Advisor welcomes, guides and informs customers in a clear and transparent manner, including in critical circumstances.

The activities they perform include promotion, sales and realisation of our services.

Working hours are organised according to planned and flexible shifts (including night shifts) and some weekends and holidays.

They perform practical-operational installation and maintenance tasks and carry out checks on plant and structures, equipment, trackbed and track equipment. The Maintenance Expert for Railway Infrastructure also has everyday duties, including relevant administrative tasks.

The job involves driving buses in public service in urban or suburban areas, making departures and journeys according to specific driving shifts and according to well-defined timetables. The driver also ensures the safety of passengers and compliance with route timetables.

Working hours are organised according to planned and flexible shifts, which may also include some weekends and holidays.

The Station Manager performs tasks of movement management, supervision, technical, practical, administrative and management coordination within the station and in matters of train operations, as well as ensuring that rules are followed in the operation and distribution of vehicles.

Responsible for the maintenance and correct operation of vehicles, working with innovative high-tech equipment on a daily basis.

The maintenance expert for rolling stock/buses ensures high quality in work related both to operational safety and passenger comfort. Tasks may involve managing and monitoring cyclic maintenance and component repair work and current scheduled and corrective maintenance.

Working hours are organised according to planned and flexible shifts (including night shifts) and some weekends and holidays.

Analyses the requirements of the assignment in relation to client's specifications, regulations to be met, timeframes and available budget, in order to plan and schedule project activities and the related authorisation process.

Effettua analisi dei requisiti dell'incarico in relazione alle specifiche del committente, alle normative da rispettare, alle tempistiche e ai budget disponibili al fine di pianificare e programmare le attività progettuali e il relativo iter autorizzativo.

Responsible for managing the related jobs (technical inspections of railway infrastructures, verification of work progress, organisation of functional site logistics).

Responsible for monitoring the liability cycle, general accounting, supplier reconciliation and analysis, and the profit and loss and balance sheet accounts, with the preparation of liability cycle/schedule reports. Manages payments and customer/supplier master databases.

In charge of training, checking and manoeuvring rolling stock (generally wagons and locomotives) within the railway stations, in order to carry out the departure/arrival of trains according to company procedures.

Tests the correct operation of the locomotives subject to maintenance activities.

Interacts with customers, logistics operators, and railway companies for everything related to freight transport.

Manages customer service, by monitoring the services and providing real-time information to customers based on information received from all stakeholders.

Performs real estate services for the FS Group's client companies that own real estate. Manages real estate assets, custody, legal and administrative protection of real estate, and specialised activities for planning, scheduling and provision of maintenance services in the buildings under management.

Performs accounting activities related to administration and accounting services, treasury and tax compliance, as well as administration services, social security and insurance obligations, payroll and time management for FS Group client companies.

Manages active and passive contracts and real estate stocks.

Draws up metric and estimated metric calculations and technical-economic drawings, and manages site accounts.

Manages administrative-accounting activities, carries out activity planning and SIL and SAL verifications; drafts economic-financial reports.

Organises the agenda, handles internal and external correspondence and is responsible for document management and reporting.

Manages custody and asset protection services.

Performs hardware and software support (Level 1 and 2); oversees IT Incident and Problem Management activities; takes care of Planning & Monitoring the expected level of performance and quality; manages and implements ancillary services to ensure that product standards are met. Actively participates in the monitoring and continuous improvement process related to basic and office automation software. Performs accounting activities related to administration and accounting services, treasury and tax compliance, as well as administration services, social security and insurance obligations, payroll and time management for FS Group client companies.

Deals with the operational management of the equipment life cycle, and handles contacts between the mobile phone provider and customer companies. Monitors utilities in order to check for anomalies or uses not consistent with the provisions of the customer companies; carries out operational management of the mobile user base (activations, setting of technical/economic profiles and their possible modification, terminations, functionality checks, request for precautionary user/apparatus block following theft/loss).

Carries out the estimation, computation and valuation of the works planned in the structure; creates and verifies new cost items. Draws up the technical-economic summary documentation of the metric calculations. Sets up the calculation/project structure, in close cooperation with the designers; identifies design solutions in the event of various interferences with railway works. Verifies the estimated metric calculations drawn up by contractors and the economic evaluations carried out by supports or contractors.

Handles the logging and archiving of technical documentation; manages and archives contractual and project documentation. Takes care of information processing by means of medium-high level spreadsheets and checks documentation against standards and regulations.

Plans the relevant expropriation processes and and supervises their execution; ensures the correct and effective management of expropriation activities and the acquisition of the property or assets necessary to obtain the permits and approvals required to complete the works included in the investment projects; manages and takes care of all expropriation phases, from the declaration of public utility to the calculation and payment of the compensation provided for, according to the formalities established by the regulations in force. Plans the issuance of the expropriation procedure documents, both in the design and implementation phases, while complying with budget. Provides specialised support to the Construction Supervisor to solve critical issues arising on site in relation to the areas already acquired and handed over to the same; drafts the agreements necessary to solve any possible interferences.

Carries out tests and inspections on construction materials (concrete, SCC, RCC, spritzbeton, soil, bituminous conglomerate); checks the activities of authorised laboratories and construction sites; carries out inspections at concrete and bituminous conglomerate plants; checks the suitability of prefabrication plants. Carries out tests and checks on constituent parts (cement, additives, bitumen, aggregates, etc.).

Supports the Construction Supervisor in managing contractors' reservations in order to assess their eligibility and justification, and to make an economic estimate of the fairness of the claims of contractors and general contractors, to be set out in the Confidential Report; supports the coordinators of preliminary investigations and structure evaluations in drafting any failure assessments, if requested by the client. Performs the analysis, evaluation and management of the reservations submitted by Contractors during the execution of the works; provides specialist support to the project teams in the analysis and management of issues relating to contracts with Clients and with Contractors Subcontractors, with particular attention to those that may give rise to variations and reservations.

Supports the project teams in drafting summary reports on the reservations to be provided to corporate lawyers in court or during arbitration, and supports them during the litigation phase; takes care of entering litigation data in the corporate systems and updating them. Supports the Cost Centre Manager in drafting the internal reports, and helps to develop and use reservation management applications.

Supervises the works during the implementation phase, ensuring that they are carried out according to the instructions received from the Construction Supervisor and in accordance with regulations, legal provisions and contractual obligations. Supports the Construction Supervisor in verifying all legal fulfilments in the field of public works applicable to the contract; supports the Construction Supervisor in coordinating the activities of the personnel assigned and in relating to the contractor. Drafts formal and accounting documentation, ensuring the collection, classification and archiving of works-related documents. Verifies the physical progress of the works/installations is responsible for, based on the reference work programme and in accordance with the contractual provisions; supervises safety on the worksite in accordance with the obligations provided for by the regulations in force; verifies compliance with the contractual prescriptions of the quality system and the Environmental Management System by the Contractor/Executor. Supports the Construction Supervisor in establishing reservations and variants, suspensions and relative resumption of works due to force majeure, extensions requested by the Contractor, modifications and proposals for non-conformities and terminations; if necessary, after verification/updating of specific training, can take on the role of Security Coordinator for Works Contracts falling within the scope of the Safety Consolidation Act.

Takes care of planning scheduled rail replacement bus services on a special platform.

Communicates with the third-party carriers entrusted with the service, ensuring the continuous and complete flow of information necessary for regular vehicle circulation.

Monitors and controls the service by interacting with the vehicle drivers, in order to ensure regularity and punctuality. Reschedules the service if any issues are registered.

Obtains the relevant data for service reporting by means of spot checks of the certifications of the runs carried out and draws up the appropriate documentation.

Manages emergency services by ensuring user travel by finding the drivers and vehicles necessary to guarantee the service on the national territory. Draws up the documentation to account for the services performed.

Carries out territorial/national analysis and monitoring of critical issues and identifies improvement actions.

Manages information to the competent structures on critical traffic situations with a view to carrying out timely ground assistance interventions.

Activates and manages communication flows to Trenitalia.

Feeds the information systems used by the Operations Room.

Deals with cyclical and scheduled bus maintenance and breakdowns, using special equipment and following the manufacturer's technical instructions and company guidelines.

Diagnoses the vehicle using state-of-the-art instruments, checks and adjusts the various components installed on board.

Has both mechanical and electronic skills to work autonomously and efficiently on the elements of latest-generation of vehicles, guaranteeing quality and safe operation for passengers. Working hours are organised in scheduled and flexible shifts, according to the specific needs of the service