Piacere, IL TRENO

28 July 2020

FS Italiane Group’s CEO Gianfranco Battisti spoke last night at the live Facebook event “Piacere, IL TRENO”, organised by the Associazione Nazionale Dopo Lavoro Ferroviario di Milano. This offered a look into the mobility scene as viewed by the extensive family of railway workers.

“The railways represent a great tradition, with 180 years of history that we are able to share with the world today,” Battisti emphasised. “Indeed, development of the railways coincides with the development of the country, enhancing the economic and tourist patrimony.”

“We export Italian excellence abroad with competence and passion and, thanks to the Green New Deal and technology,” concluded Battisti, “we will always be at the forefront.”

The last of the four meetings held in July came to an end and, with the presence of influential guests, provided the opportunity to explore the issue of the health emergency connected to COVID-19 and to investigated future prospects.