Sustainability and innovation are the themes of the new startup challenge launched by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, in partnership with Le Village by Credit Agricole.
The challenge, entitled “For safe and sustainable mobility”, arose with the objective of identifying innovative ideas and solutions on sustainability based on the following themes:
- Mobility: ideas that encourage people to use shared means of transport or promote freight transport by rail (such as via integration between mobility services, digital platforms of mobility or information services, loyalty or gamification systems regarding sustainable mobility services, smart mobility, and so on);
- Safety: ideas that increase the protection of customers and persons operating on FS Group vehicles and infrastructure (including equipment, systems and solutions for traffic safety on the rail or road network, railway or road traffic control, “technological mitigation” measures regarding possible risks related to level crossings, and so on)
- Energy and emissions: ideas that contribute to reduced or zero CO2 emissions from FS Group vehicles and plants (such as renewable energy production, innovations on production and energy efficiency systems, better use of raw materials, sustainable design, and the like).
The startup selected by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane will receive a prize of railway tickets, with a total value of 1,500 euro, to be shared amongst the members of the team.
Teams have until 3 January 2020 to submit ideas, filling out the dedicated form.