Gruppo FS Italiane gained “pole position” in the classification for the favourite companies of young graduates
This is the result of the “Best Employer of Choice 2015”, Survey by Cesop Communication, which examines the positive reception from a sample of 2,500 young graduates with respect to a panel of 100 Italian and multinational companies and draws up a classification of the most popular choice as employer.
In just seven years FS Italiane scaled fourteen places year by year to reach the top of this list: 15th in 2009, 13th in 2010, 8th in 2011, 3rd in 2012, 2nd in 2013, 3rd in 2014 and 1st this year, beating important national and international companies that have always been the symbol of innovation and dynamism in the eyes of young people.
This result illustrates the great change that the Company has undergone over the last few years, also due to specific and on-going actions aimed at informing young people of this transformation. In fact, FS Italiane has promoted a number of initiatives to identify and attract the best talents, closing the gap between the Company and Universities by encounters with young graduates at Job Meetings and Career Days to illustrate career possibilities.
Thanks to extensive teamwork, FS Italiane is currently perceived as a Group that can offer young people effective opportunities for professional growth and training. This, together with a solid nature and effective propensity to technological innovation for which the Group is acknowledged worldwide, have led to young people choosing FS Italiane as “Best Employer of Choice 2015”.
“Coming first, ahead of such prestigious companies as ENI, Ferrari and Google,” stated Michele Mario Elia, Gruppo FS Italiane CEO, “fills us with satisfaction and pride. This result derives from efforts made over the years, through which we have effectively demonstrated to young people how much Gruppo FS Italiane has changed. Not only have we proven to be a healthy company with a positive balance sheet, but we have also and above all demonstrated that we are innovators capable of affirming ourselves abroad, investing in and focussing on state-of-the-art technology for our projects. Ours is a solid and dynamic Group capable of guaranteeing professional stability and growth to young people who choose us and who we select. These are the reasons for our success.”
“We have eradicated our image as a stereotype public bandwagon from the imaginations of young people,” pointed out Stefano Savino, Managing Director Human Resources and Group Organisation, “focussing on generational change to ensure an appropriate combination of experience and innovation. We hire around 50 smart graduates keen on this “career” every year to ensure they can truly apply what they learnt during their studies. These young people want the possibility to grow and gain experience; the more talented of them are looking for stimulation, which is a fair need to which we reply by giving them space and entrusting great responsibilities to those who are ready for the challenge.”