Doubling Codogno-Cremona-Mantova

Doubling Codogno-Cremona-Mantova

This project envisages stages of doubling the Codogno-Cremona-Mantua section.

The first phase envisages a doubling of the track along the Piadena-Mantua section for a total extension of some 34 kilometres, characterised by the construction of a new dual track as a variant between Piadena and Bozzolo and in close alignment with the existing railway in the remaining section.

The second phase concerns the doubling of the Codogno-Piadena section by about 50 kilometres.

Once fully operational, the track-doubling project shall increase traffic regularity through the elimination of public and private level crossings, also reducing train journey times.

The project has received partial public funding, including NRRP funds.

Chiara de Gregorio was appointed Extraordinary Governmental Commissioner for completion of the works.


  • Increase in the theoretical capacity allowed on the track from the current 4 trains/hour to 10 trains/hour in both directions.
  • A reduction in travel time may also be achieved.
160 km/h maximum speed
84 total kilometres
2,150 mld € in investments

Work progress status

  • Design
    Since 2022
  • Permits
    Since 2022
  • Tenders
    Since 2022
  • Start of work
    Since 2023
  • End of work
    Since 2026

Piadena-Mantova - Doubling of Piadena-Mantova

Stages of progression: WORKS

  • Design end date: 2020
  • End date of the authorisation process:2022
  • Date of tender publication: 2023 
  • Start date of executive design and implementation: 2023
  • Work end date: 2026 
  • Activation date: 2026


Cremona-Codogno-Piadena - Doubling of Cremona-Codogno-Piadena

Stages of progression: DESIGN