On the Venice-Trieste line, the project envisages the realisation of a series of operations concerning the technological upgrading of the Mestre-Ronchi Sud section, the elimination of a range of level crossings, interventions on the line structures, two new Signalling Controls, plus track variants in Portogruaro, Latisana, along the Isonzo River and between Ronchi dei Legionari and Aurisina. Through these interventions, increasing the speed of the line to 200 kilometres/hour is also planned.
For commuter and tourist users, the benefits produced by such operations will be a reduction in journey times, an increase in capacity and regularity of operation, along with the improved performance of the line in terms of long-distance traffic, set to allow it to be brought up to European standards for freight corridors.
The project has received partial public funding, including NRRP funds.
Vincenzo Macello was appointed Extraordinary Governmental Commissioner for completion of the works.