FS Italiane, Trenitalia: discover Sicily by train

A Guide to visiting Sicily by train

Taormina, 19 July 2021

Sicily and its wonders are at the heart of the Trenitalia (FS Italiane Group) summer season.

An event was held to present “La Sicilia in Treno” (“Sicily by Train”), one of the Guides in the new “I Regionali da Vivere” series published by Giunti Editore and Trenitalia, dedicated to the discovery of Italy aboard Regional trains.

A range of Sicilian tourist destinations, from the seaside, vegetation and mountain areas, villages to historic centres, see the train as the common fil rouge for visiting these locations in comfort thanks to the increase in Trenitalia’s summer timetable services.

To illustrate the contents, present this morning at the Taormina-Giardini station were Luigi Corradi – CEO of Trenitalia, Clara Celauro Trenitalia Board Member, Marco Falcone – Sicilian Region Councillor for Infrastructure and Mobility, along with Marco Bolasco – Director of the Non-fiction Division of Giunti Editore.

In attendance were Sabrina De Filippis Trenitalia Regional Business Director, Vincenzo Pullara – Trenitalia Sicily Regional Directorate, Fulvio Bellomo General Manager of the Infrastructure, Mobility and Transport Department of the Sicilian Region, Carlo Margara – Head of Special Initiatives for Giunti Editore, along with the mayors of Taormina and Giardini Naxos, Mario Bolognari and Giorgio Stracuzzi.

On the first platform, ready to go into service, were 2 new Pop trains, which bring the number of new regional trains travelling around Sicily to 19. To strengthen regional mobility on the tracks, as required by the Service Contract signed by the Sicilian Region and Trenitalia, there will be a total of 43 new trains in circulation throughout the coming years. 

Trenitalia’s summer: the innovations

To facilitate visiting some of the most popular tourist destinations on the island, Trenitalia – in unison with the Sicilian Region as the client of the service – has made new services available to passengers. Amongst the latest developments is the Taormina Link that connects the Giardini station to Taormina, thanks to the ASM Taormina buses.

The Etna Link connects the station of Giarre-Riposto and Piano Provenzana to the slopes of Etna with the Circumetnea Railway services.

With the Taormina Line, the number of connections with Taormina has been increased thanks to 6 additional journeys, circulating on weekends and public holidays, between the stations of Catania Centrale and Letojanni, with stops in Acireale, Giarre-Riposto and Taormina-Giardini.

Amongst those confirmed was the Cefalu Line that, on weekends and public holidays, connects the International “Falcone e Borsellino” Airport of Punta Raisi and the city of Palermo to Cefalu, whilst the Baroque Line will connect Syracuse to Donnafugata on weekends and public holidays, to admire the beauty of Fontane Bianche, Avola, Noto, Pozzallo, Scicli, Modica, Ragusa Ibla and Ragusa.