Rome, 31 July 2019
FS Technology, the hi-tech company of the FS Italiane Group, has been launched.
Strengthen and support digital innovation in group companies, and ensure top levels of quality, efficiency and time to market in customer services. That is the mission of FS Technology laid down by the strategic plan for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) contained in the 2019-2023 Industrial Plan.
The FS Italiane Group, which is set to invest six billion euros in technology over the next five years, is looking to position itself as a hub for digital innovation and as a point of reference for the technology community of the world of mobility and sensitive infrastructure in Italy and throughout the world.
Special attention will be paid to the optimisation of predictive diagnostics in industrial processes that involve the adoption of new technologies such as blockchains, Artificial Intelligence, robotics and the IoT – all of which are based on modern cloud infrastructure and on innovative 5G networks. That will mean that the time that railway infrastructure is out of use, in case of breakdowns or anomalies, will be reduced and will allow the punctuality and regularity of rail traffic to be improved.
So as to improve the effectiveness of the investments, FS Technology will reduce time to market – the time that elapses between when a product is conceived and its actual application – thanks to a global vision of the IT that a modern railway group needs, and to the centralised management and standardisation of processes and tools. To meet the FS Italiane Group’s strategic goals for digital innovation, this evolution will take place using synergies between co-working models, the full use of key internal skills, and the systematic assessment of business opportunities.