30 new hybrid buses contribute to increasingly sustainable mobility in Florence

More than 55% of the fleet renewed under the leadership of ATAF Gestioni

Florence, 23 February 2019

Thirty new buses contribute to increasingly sustainable mobility in the Metropolitan City of Florence.

Combining high standards of performance, comfort and safety with eco-sustainability, the new hybrid buses contribute to further lowering consumption and polluting emissions. The buses are the hybrid version* of the 12-metre CitaroC2 bus, built by Mercedes, the Euro6 diesel version of which is already in use in Florence.

The new buses were presented today against the magnificent backdrop of Piazza Santa Croce. Attending the event were the Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, the Tuscany Regional Authority Councillor for Transport Vincenzo Ceccarelli, CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Gianfranco Battisti, CEO of Busitalia and Chairman of ATAF Gestioni Stefano Rossi and CEO of ATAF Gestioni Stefano Bonora.

The livery, green with the word Hybrid, highlights their environmental sustainability characteristics and draws the attention to FS Italiane Group for the integration of means of transport, maintaining the visual identity of Busitalia's suburban buses and the of regional trains of Trenitalia.

Purchased from ATAF Gestioni, in application of the temporary contract stipulated with Regione Toscana (the Tuscany Regional Authority), with an investment of around EUR 7 million, approximately 60% of which was financed by the Regional Authority, the buses are equipped with an on-board video surveillance system to protect passenger and staff safety and a system of monitors, which provide information and news linked to the transport service and travel experience.

There are now, therefore, 197 buses that the Florentine transport company, directly and as a subsidiary of FS Italiane Group, has commissioned for public transport in Florence over the last five years, with a 55% renewal of the fleet. To give an example, at peak time, more than 73% of the service is provided with latest generation vehicles.

This phase is a further step in the renewal process, which, owing to major investments over recent years, has led ATAF Gestioni to have one of the youngest (average age of 7 years) and most eco-sustainable fleets (around 80% of the fleet electric, Euro 5/6 or methane) in Europe. The focus and a share of investment has shifted towards alternative and more sustainable transport technologies. This translates into the progressive introduction of hybrid and electric buses.

*Owing to the use of an electric motor and supercapacitors, combined with the traditional endothermic engine, the vehicle is able to accumulate energy while it is running, to then release it in combination with the endothermic engine, with the resulting reduction in consumption and polluting emissions.