Rome, 2 August 2016
The Italferr Board of Directors, the engineering company of the FS Italiane Group, has appointed a new CEO in the form of Carlo Carganico. While the Shareholders’ Meeting had previously elected Riccardo Maria Monti as President.
An electronic engineer, prior to becoming the new CEO, Mr Carganico worked as President and CEO of Italcertifer, a certification company owned by the FS Italiane Group.
An internationally experienced graduate in economics and business, Mr Monti had been President of Ice and was appointed President of Grandi Stazioni in April to monitor the final phase of the privatisation process.
New corporate bodies were also appointed at FS Logistica with the President Ivan Soncini and the CEO Marco Gosso, and at Fercredit with the President Michele Pallottini and the CEO Stefano Pierini.Last but not least, new senior management was appointed at GS Immobiliare, whose BoD moved from nine to five members under the statutory amendments: President Carlo De Vito, CEO Massimiliano Capece Minutolo Del Sasso, new Director Marco Guido Lanata, as well as the confirmed Directors Francesca Serra and Francesco Rossi.