FS Italiane Group receives the “Best In Media Communication” certification

The FS Italiane Group is amongst the 22 companies awarded the Best In Media Communication (BIC) certification created by Fortune Italia and Eikon Strategic Consulting, measuring the impact of corporate communications of companies, organisations and entities through a scientific, transparent and objective method.

The BIC analyses clarity and quality of content, accessibility and completeness of information, integrating three key dimensions of media reputation, a media impact assessment and media poll, as criteria recognised by the commission in the FS Group’s way of communicating in national and local, traditional and digital media.

This is an important acknowledgement, particularly for the months of 2022, in recognising the Group’s commitment to comprehensive, clear and effective communication.

Luca Torchia, Chief Communications Officer of the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, said he was “honoured by the BIC award, which plays a key role in the activities we are putting in place with the new Industrial Plan”. He shares, “Communicating transparently is important in creating a constructive dialogue with the territory, people and stakeholders. It comes as recognition of the various skills of FS’ Communications Department, which works every day with the utmost commitment, with a view to sustainability in building a new time for the country.