Rome, 3 October 2019
FIABAday is the National Day for the eradicating architectural barriers: the awareness-raising campaign organised by the Fondo Italiano Abbattimento Barriere Architettoniche (FIABA), in its 17th edition this year.
Eliminating architectural barriers, ensuring better accessibility in all stations, promoting the use of the train through the Sale Blu assistance services, along with combating inequalities are some of the activities that RFI—a FS Group company—carries out, along with renewing its participation in FIABADay 2019, in confirming its commitment to improving the travel experience for people with reduced mobility and disabilities who choose the train.
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) has fielded an investment of over 400 million euro in the last two years towards operations to eradicate architectural barriers, activated in approximately 100 stations, combined with a continuous increase in the assistance services offered by the Sale Blue circuit, totalling over one thousand each day.
RFI’s commitment is also manifested through other actions, such as the launch of the SalaBlu+ smartphone application dedicated to people with disabilities and reduced mobility—even temporary—who choose to travel by train. The app, presented in February 2019 and with over 5,000 downloads in less than eight months, has in fact received the approval of users and was recently awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Associazione Familiari e Vittime della Strada (being the Association of Families and Road Victims).