Last update: Sustainability Report 2021

Energy consumption is one of the main environmental aspects in regards to FS Group undertakings. In addition to transport services, involving activities requiring the use of significant amounts of energy, infrastructure, rail and road maintenance and management absorb a significant part of the energy demand.

Total FS Group energy consumption (source) Measurement 2021 2020 2019 % change 21/20
Electricity for railway traction GJ 14.803.061 13.934.831 17.522.131 6.2%
Electricity for other uses GJ 2.508.701 2.412.378 2.550.335 4.0%
Electricity for road network lighting GJ 1.244.516 1.265.872  1.379.451 -1.7%
Diesel GJ 6.141.810 5.863.942 7.324.771 4.7%
Natural gas GJ 1.396.065 1.236.602 1.418.331 12.9%
Biodiesel GJ 228.813 240.958 - -5.0%
Heating, petrol, LPG, fuel oil, hydrogen GJ 87.180 63.183 67.181 38.0%
GJ 26.410.146 25.017.766 30.262.200 5.6%