Milan, 28 March 2023
Take Your Time. Art enters a New Time. The FS Italiane Group’s artistic project to tell and reinterpret, through contemporary art, the innovation and transformation of the Group’s four new business hubs – Infrastructure, Passenger, Logistics and Urban – was launched today at the Scalo Farini in Milan. The hubs, which were launched with the Business Plan and are already in operation, are aimed at developing a system of infrastructure and mobility that is increasingly integrated and sustainable for the good of the entire country.
“Take Your Time” was produced with the assistance of the Hdrà Group and the artistic curator Renato Fontana and was presented today at the Scalo Farini by Luca Torchia, Chief Communication Officer of the FS Italiane Group, Umberto Lebruto, CEO of FS Sistemi Urbani, which is the Urban Hub parent company, and by Renato Fontana. The project has been broken down into four stages, one for each Hub. The first tells the story of the FS Group’s Urban Hub business unit which handles sustainable city regeneration and intermodal and logistic solutions to cover first and last-mile travel in urban areas.
In “Take Your Time” twelve talented people from the world of contemporary art will create works of art, special artwork and installations with augmented reality in the areas made available in the Hubs throughout Italy. A soundtrack has been composed for each Hub. Inside the Scalo Farini, which belongs to the FS Italiane Group, a space has been set aside for the artistic interpretation of urban renewal, with four installations that focus on cities of the future and sustainability created by artists Jonathan Calugi (Una casetta piccola così), Luca Font e Alkanoids (Il gigante tatuato and La mano), and Parisi 1876 (Il fiore di luce, a light design). QR Codes to hear the piece dedicated to the Urban Hub composed by the pianist Roberta Di Mario can be found in the installations.
The project
The “Take Your Time” project emerged from the desire to create a representation of the transformation that has been created by the four Hub sites, a world in which everything has a new dimension, and in which everybody can choose their own. “Take Your Time” means taking the time you need, achieving interior calm. It also means reclaiming an area, because time is also space. And above all it means changing rhythm, to find your own.
The Urban Hub
The work done by the Urban Hub is aimed at creating shared values through urban regeneration, fully taking into account drivers such as environmental and energy sustainability, the intermodality of public and private transport, 15-minute cities with services and facilities close at hand, urban centres on a human scale with green spaces and social contact, and urban rehabilitation without further land usage.