The February Freccia: a journey of emotions, with Stefano Accorsi on the cover

Acting, communicating, stirring: Accorsi talks to the Freccia 

Rome, 1 February 2022

Stefano Accorsi, as portrayed by Oliviero Toscani, is the protagonist of the February cover of the Freccia and of an introspective journey that gives readers of the FS Italiane magazine a lively yet intense profile. Accorsi, who was also the artistic director of the Teatro della Toscana Foundation for a year, talks about himself and his passions: that of acting, communicating, stirring emotions and recounting stories, passing from the stage to cinema to TV.

Also this month comes the pleasure of travelling and of discovery, as the human need to move and interact with others remain at the heart of an issue that hosts a number of reflections on the legend of speed, between Italy and France, from the manifesto of Marinetti’s Futurists, emerging over 100 years ago on Le Figaro, through to the Frecciarossa train that has connected Paris and Lyon to Turin and Milan since last December.

Such mobility is synonymous with freedom and cohesion – albeit severely tested by two years of pandemic – as is recalled in a passage by President Sergio Mattarella, taken from his speech on the Freccia in June 2019 and quoted in the opening editorial. And the reportage aboard the first Paris-Milan Frecciarossa, a truly European voyage, “sans frontieres” is a passionate testimony. As indeed would be any trip amongst the snow-covered landscapes of the most attractive ski resorts – by train from the Alta Val di Susa, right between Italy and France, or along the Gran Risa, the queen of the Alta Badia slopes, in the midst of sport and good food.

The February Freccia also takes a look at the Beijing Winter Olympics, with skier Dominik Paris. Then comes the Milan Fashion Week with stylist Elisabetta Franchi, along with a virtual tour of Italy to discover the tradition of Carnevale and its community spirit.

There is even art, from the photographic exhibition at the Gallerie d’Italia in Vicenza that covers the years of Italy’s post-war recovery, through to Venice immortalised from above in shots by Marco Sabadin, passing to the rooms of the Villa Medici in Rome and those of the Museo del Novecento in Milan.

Finally, come a selection of protagonists from the world of entertainment and culture, with Donatella Rettore, as one of the big names of the 72nd edition of the Sanremo Festival, the comic actress Maria Di Biase who tells us about her golden year, and even science populariser Barbara Gallavotti.

The February Freccia can be browsed and read in digital format, on FSnews, and on paper on Trenitalia’s Frecce, in the FRECCIALounge and FRECCIAClub, each copy cellophaned and personal, for readers to pick up and take away. The contents of FS Italiane’s monthly publication can also be read on the FSNews Telegram channel and the @fsnews_it and @LaFreccia_Mag Twitter profiles.