Naples, 15 June 2021
The work of bees, a protected species, is fundamental for food production and for the environment.
Aware of the important role these insects play in the equilibrium of the ecosystem, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana – in line with the FS Group’s commitment to safeguarding the environment – availed of the experience of professional beekeepers to remove and transfer to safe and protected places 12 beehives constructed by bees in certain railway structures near the Naples-Rome High Speed line.
Coordinated by the Regional Secretary of Api e Biodiversità – the Bees and Biodiversity association – the teams of workers involved in the delicate phases of capturing and transferring the Hymenoptera managed to successfully complete the operations where the bees had nested in the territories of Afragola, Pignataro, Tora, Vairano and Rocca d’Evandro, without causing any kind of trauma.
After having been adequately trained through courses on the conduct to adopt during removal activities, the railway staff involved were given protective clothing to prevent stings, should the bees become aggressive due to being bothered by the unexpected move.
For the entire duration of the operations, a specialised nurse was present with the medical devices necessary to provide first aid.
Also last year, RFI performed a similar operation to successfully transfer six other hives.