Play Mobility, teaching young people about the culture of travel

A programme to raise awareness in schools

Rome, 24 June 2019

As part of its commitment to sustainability, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane has introduced the Play Mobility project, Travel is changing, dedicated to the Italian students of 5 to 14 years of age.

The initiative, which was launched on January 2019, involved 1,450 primary schools and 750 middle schools. With the goal of raising the sensitivity of young people with regard to respect for people and common goods, like the train, the initiative has received great interest from the teachers of schools adhering to it and, above all, great enthusiasm of the students who, in some cases, were able to exchange ideas with an Italian "FS Ambassador" to explore the new travel culture together.

[In the photos, the class of the Via Ponti Middle School in Rome, in a moment with the two Ambassadors of the Group FS Federica Rossi and Francisco Larango]

The classroom experience was organised into 4 moments:

  • “Train Storming" to break the ice and to begin to know yourself;
  • "The Ambassador talks about his/her work", or how the passion for trains emerged, the study programme, which tasks is he/she required to perform and, lastly, how one of his/her working days is structured;
  • "The new regional trains, Rock and Pop, a journey in which children are involved by "building" new trains, in order discover the features and the innovative technology that characterises them… and naturally the possibility of adding a personal touch to the construction;
  • "Train for the common good", to reason together about the best behaviour to adopt on board a train.

The poems written by the youngsters from the Via Ponti Middle School (Rome)

“If you respect the on-board staff, you will be fine all day long. By greeting those sitting next to you, you will get nicer compliments. Express your creativity and increase happiness. Let the passengers get off, making everyone happier and more light-hearted. Say please if you need to get past, and they will elegantly let you through.
Place your luggage properly and that way you'll make no mistakes”.

The poems written by the youngsters from the Chiabrera Primary School (Genoa)

“When you want to go on a trip, first of all respect the staff; when you need to get on board, let the passengers get off; greet the people sitting near you right away and put your luggage in the proper place; ask permission if you need to pass and leave the passage areas free; keep your feet in place and always respect other people's spaces; lower the volume and the ringtone of your phone, use the headphones to listen but take them off when it's time to go; throw the rubbish into the bins and don't dirty the walls and seats; travel with your friends without bothering the other passengers; enjoy the journey and it will undoubtedly be very nice until you reach your destination".