FS and ASviS (Alleanza per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile – the Alliance for Sustainable Development) unite for the Festival of Sustainable Development taking place from 4 to 20 October in Rome, as an opportunity to discuss the themes of environmental, social and economic sustainability.
New this year is the Sustainability Day organised by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane on the opening date of the Festival at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni. The focus is on future challenges and rapidly-changing scenarios on which the Group’s businesses have directed their main long-term commitments, as evidenced by the pillars of the Sustainability Plan included in the 2022–2031 Strategic Plan. Speakers will include President Nicoletta Giadrossi, Chief Strategy Officer Fabrizio Favara, Head of Sustainability Lorenzo Radice, RFI CEO Vera Fiorani, Urban Systems CEO Umberto Lebruto and Trenitalia CEO Luigi Corradi.
On the same days (3, 4 and 5 October), the FS Group will also be present at the CSR and Social Innovation Fair at the Bocconi University in Milan.