Frecciarossa1000 roadshow

Frecciarossa1000: the Rome leg

On April 11 2013 the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, inaugurated in Rome the Frecciarossa 1000 village, which was set up in Piazza del Popolo to introduce Romans to the high-speed train of the 21st century by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane. He was welcomed by Lamberto Cardia and Mauro Moretti, respectively the President and Chief Executive Officer of FS Italiane Group.

After viewing the full-size replica of the new technological gem entirely made in Italy, the Italian President commended the workers of AnsaldoBreda and Bombardier – manufacturers of the “super-train” – and a group of representatives of Trenitalia railwaymen, while he also praised the Italian workmanship and professionalism accompanying the creation of this product, which embodies Italian excellence worldwide.

The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno, the President of the Lazio Region Nicola Zingaretti, the Commissioner of the Province of Rome Umberto  Postiglione, the CEO of Finmeccanica  Alessandro Pansa, the CEO of AnsaldoBreda Maurizio Manfellotto, the CEO of Bombardier Roberto  Tazzioli, the President of Bertone Lilli Bertone, the CEOs of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana and Trenitalia, Michele Mario Elia and Vincenzo Soprano, and Mrs. Manuela Olivieri Mennea.

Over the six days during which the train of the future was on display, the Romans were able to admire up-close the result of the joint efforts by designers from AnsaldoBreda, Bombardier and Bertone, a combination capable of blending technological innovation, design, environmental sustainability, comfort and quality.

Frecciarossa 1000 in Piazza del Popolo


On 19 August 2012, the Prime Minister Mario Monti, dressed for the occasion as a station master, unveiled the "train of the future" at a worldwide preview during the Rimini meeting, in front of an audience of enthusiasts, journalists and general public.  

The Prime Minister was accompanied by the Chairman and CEO of the FS Italiane Group, Lamberto Cardia and Mauro Moretti.

A full-size reproduction (scale 1:1) of this state-of-the-art technological jewel proved popular among both adults and young people. 

Almost 10,000 visitors orderly queued at the Rimini meeting to visit the inside of the train and watch the 3D video of this 21st-century train.


After Rimini, the Frecciarossa1000 enchanted Berlin during the InnoTrans, the international trade fair dedicated to the transport sector. Visitors were welcomed by the CEO of the FS Italiane Group, Mauro Moretti, together with Maurizio Manfellotto and Roberto Tazzioli, from the manufacturing companies AnsaldoBreda and Bombardier, respectively.  

Vincenzo Soprano, Managing Director of Trenitalia, Michele Mario Elia, Managing Director of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI), Alberto Rosania, President of AnsaldoBreda and Luigi Corradi, General Manager of Bombardier Italia, were also present.  

The German press was able to admire the jewel made in Italy, which was presented by the CEO as an “emblem of Italian technological excellence to turn Italy’s entire railways industry into one of the main players on the international markets in the coming years”.

The Frecciarossa1000 returned to Italy on 17 October to make itself known and appreciated by the public in Milan, where more than 20,000 visitors gathered around the aerodynamic outline of the train during the days of the exhibition.  

The distinguished guests, accompanied by the CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, included Antonio Tajani, vice president of the European Commission and the current European Commissioner for the Industry and Entrepreneurship, and Vorobyov Aleksander Georgievich, the minister of Transport of the Moscow region, who were both in Milan to take part in MobilityTech 2012.


In Naples, at the stand purposely created along Lungomare Caracciolo, an intense program of recreational and creative activities was organised to entertain the young and the old alike on a daily basis, in addition to displaying the mock-up of the train. Older children were able to enter a knowledge competition on the subject, while the younger ones had fun colouring their own train on a sheet with the model outlined on it.

Visitors of all ages were welcomed to the exhibition area “How to build a train”, which, through drawings and sketches, explains the idea behind the Frecciarossa 1000. The most interested were given a chance to query the engineers about the Frecciarossa 1000 world.

A thrilling 3D journey complemented the experience: a special film to experience the thrill of travelling onboard this highly technological train.  

The new ETR1000 also offered an opportunity to talk about sustainability: train models could be built inside the stand by using recycled material.

Many gadgets were also given away to remember both the day just spent and a future date: 2014 for the first journey onboard the FrecciaRossa 1000.


From 19 to 25 December 2012, the “train of the future” was in Bologna, a city that represents one the cornerstones of the Italian HS system, Italy’s metro service that has changed the way of life of millions of people just a few years. 

Visitors were welcomed in Piazza Maggiore by the Mayor of Bologna, Virginio Merola, and the CEO of the FS Italiane Group, Mauro Moretti, together with Maurizio Manfellotto and Roberto Tazzioli, the Managing Directors of the manufacturing companies AnsaldoBreda and Bombardier, respectively. The President of the Bologna regional board, Beatrice Draghetti, and the Transport Councillor of the Emilia Romagna region, Alfredo Peri, were also present.