Welfare and caring for people represent an important dimension of our strategic vision, which sees attention paid to people as a virtue.

We invest extensively in initiatives to improve the well-being and motivation of workers along with facilitating a work-life balance and integration, in the belief that they also represent a lever to improving business productivity.

In line with this policy and the relative contractual provisions, FS Group Companies applying the contractual Mobility/Railway Collective Bargaining Agreement for Railway and Corporate Contract Activities of the FS Italiane Group offer workers a broad range of goods and services.

Integrative Healthcare

The FS Group considers protecting the health of its employees and their family members to be a fundamental value and, to this end, makes a form of integrative healthcare available to all employees in exchange for a contractual corporate contribution.

In particular, the Integrative Healthcare Plan allows workers to avail of basic and specialist health benefits, with reimbursement of expenses or direct assistance from a broad network of partnering centres. At employees’ disposal is also a dedicated portal and a central call centre for every need – including prevention, therapy, surgery, dentistry and home care.

In addition, FS Group workers have the option of extending their cover to their family and purchasing additional healthcare packages to complement basic provisions.

Supplementary Pension

The Fondo Pensione Eurofer is the supplementary pension fund of the FS Group that ensures associated workers maintain their standard of living upon termination of employment, thanks to the creation of supplementary income to the public pension.

Within the framework of welfare measures for employees, it is contractually established that workers who voluntarily decide to join the fund and pay 1% of their pay packet along with their severance package, shall see the same amount paid in by the company.

Moreover, to supplement this value, the FS Group will pay the Fondo Pensione Complementare Eurofer an additional contractual contribution to all employees annually.

Facilitations for Reconciling Work and Life

In order to support workers in achieving a work-life balance, the FS Group offers an annual contractual economic contribution to each employee.

This contribution can be used in the form of reimbursement for expenses incurred for family members’ education training and assistance services (such as payment of school tuition, university, school canteens, recreation facilities, summer and winter childcare camps, study holidays; the purchase of scholastic books; payment of care services for elderly or non-self-sufficient family members, and so on).

Conversion of Resulting Award into Welfare

By availing of the taxation and contribution opportunities established under current legislation, FS Group employees have the option of converting, in whole or in part, the individual bonuses into welfare services, such as:

  • support in achieving a work-life balance, additional to the corporate contribution already set out under contractual provisions, along with any other measures to support individual well-being managed through the Group welfare portal;
  • payments to the Fondo Pensione Complementare Eurofer, additional to those already paid by Group companies and by the individual employee;
  • forms of integrating the healthcare plan (such as by extending coverage to the whole nuclear family or purchasing supplementary packages).

Free Circulation Charter

Each employee is issued a Smart Card, to be used as a Free Circulation Card, to travel on the entire FS Group fleet, from the Frecce to international trains at exclusive fares or to travel aboard regional and interregional trains completely free of charge.

Exclusive Conventions and Welfare Portal 

All employees have a Group welfare portal through which they can access over 100,000 services at affordable rates (such as affiliated nurseries, campuses and stays, home nursing for non-self-sufficient family members, and much more) as well as benefit from numerous cultural conventions (tickets at concessional rates or free entry to exhibitions, concerts, events, and so on) plus discounts on major and high-end brands, exclusively reserved for Group employees.

Additionally, through the portal, employees can submit reimbursement requests relative to economic contributions for reconciling life and work times.

Economic Contributions for Employees' Children

With the aim of offering Group employees and their families an increasingly-large supply of goods and services, the Group develops additional welfare initiatives each year, such as the provision of corporate economic contributions — in addition to the contractual ones — made available to employees through specific welfare campaigns designed to support employees with expenses incurred for their children (such as contributions for attending summer camps and kindergartens, as well as benefits for employees with disabled children).

Benefits for Parents

The FS Group pays specific attention to parenting issues by promoting a series of initiatives in favour of its workers, so as to balance one’s work life and private life.

In particular, the Group foresees more favourable economic conditions during maternity leave, supplementing the Italian National Institute for Social Security allowance to reach 100% of the salary. Even whilst on parental leave, the FS Group ensures more favourable economic conditions than required by law, supplementing the salary to reach 100% for the first month and 80% for the second month. Added to this, 30 days of sick child leave (until the child’s 3rd birthday) are paid 100%.

Smart Working

The FS Group promotes smart working and considers it a useful tool for a more efficient organisation of work. This way of operating, in addition to more traditional modes, is based on flexible management of professional tasks, both in respect of the times and places in which work is carried out and giving employees autonomy to complete their tasks with a view towards a more decisive focus on the objectives.
Smart working also promotes better reconciliation between professional and private needs as well as saving time in terms of travelling, also having environmental benefits.